

„KICK-off Meeting“ of project ingREeS „Taining of Trainers“

„KICK-off Meeting“ of project ingREeS „Training of Trainers“ (TOT) will be held on October 25, 2016 in the building of Slovak University of Technology (Faculty of Civil Engineering) in Bratislava.

All the partners of project are expected to participate at this meeting (SKSI, SPS, ZSPS, StU SvF, BOK, SEVEN, TU GRAZ, VIAEUROPA).

The goal of this meeting will be the introduction of the project to the trainers together with its goals, content and extent. Meantime the module guarantees and experts will be introduced. Training of trainers will be under way during this meeting. The aim of this training is to introduce the coordination of cooperation, didactic methods used for education programme as well as specified extent of each module in detail. Time schedule will be specified in the frame of TOT as well as further meetings of guarantees, experts and trainers.

We truly hope this KICK-off Meeting will be at least as challenging and inspirational as were all the previous ones.