
ingREeS in media

ingREeS project

Setting up Qualification and Continuing Education and Training Scheme for Middle and Senior Level Professionals on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings     ingREeS, a Horizon 2020 project, brings about the qualitative step-change in life-long learning in the construction sector in Slovakia and the Czech[…]

News at SEVEn: Education towards nZEB is back on track

The abbreviation nZEB stands for nearly Zero Energy Building. A lot has been written about this kind of building, but far more attention should be given to their actual implementation and quality. Many of these buildings remain only on paper. This article describes activities which to improve the construction of low energy buildings.

ECCE e–journal: News from ECCE Members – Slovakia

Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers Will Educate Middle and Senior Level Professionals in the Area of Energy Efficiency with the Support of EU HORIZON 2020 Programme. The aim of the project ingREeS is to prepare the training courses for targeted professionals, create the network of the trainers for the delivery of training programs and 400 professionals from Slovakia and 300 from the Czech Republic will be trained on energy efficiency by the end of the project. Slowakische Ingenieurekammer: Neues Fortbildungsprogramm im Bereich Energieeffizienz

Ziel des Projektes der Slowakischen Ingenieurekammer (Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers SKSI) ist es, Schulungen für Fachkräfte wie Ingenieure, Architekten, Planer, Bauleiter etc., die im Bereich der Energieeffizienz und Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen in Gebäuden tätig sind, durchzuführen. „Unsere Kammer unterstützt die Ausbildung von Fachkräften im Baubereich, um auf diesem Weg die Bedingungen für sichere und qualitativ hochwertige Konstruktionen sicher zu stellen”, sagt Vladimír Benko, der Präsident der Slowakischen Ingenieurekammer. SKSI will train on energy efficiency with EU funds

Financed by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation, ingREeS Project aims to increase the qualification of 700 Slovak and Czech construction professionals in the area of energy efficiency. Civil Engineers will be trained on energy efficiency with European money

With the support of EU funds, the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers will increase the qualification of construction professionals in the area of energy efficiency and the usage of renewable resources in buildings.