

Conference „Building authorities Jasná 2016“

Conference „Building authorities“ which took place in Jasná on September 6 and 7, 2016 and which was held with support of the Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional development of SR achieved its ends.

Training of Trainers meeting of the ingREeS project

Vo štvrtok 15. 9. 2016 sa v budove Nadácie pre rozvoj architektúry a staviteľstva ABF na Václavskom námestí v Prahe konal iniciačný meeting WP4 projektu ingREeS Training of Trainers (TOT).

Coneco Racioenergia 2016

On April 7, 2016 in the fairground of Incheba Expo Arena was held Coneco. Those who were present participated on the European conference on energy efficiency market development in Central Europe and in workshops related to the European project IngREes.

ingREeS Newsletter: Your source for the latest news

ingREeS Newsletter je pre Vás ideálny spôsob, ako byť aktuálne informovaný o najnovších aktivitách projektu, plánovaných odborných podujatiach a ďalších informáciách v oblasti energetickej efektívnosti na Slovensku a v Česku. Zaregistujte sa na našej webovej stránke

Commission requests Czech Republic and 10 Member States to fully transpose the Energy Efficiency Directive

The European Commission has requested eleven Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Spain, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, and Portugal) to ensure the full transposition of the Energy Efficiency Directive(2012/27/EU).

Second workshop laid the foundation for trainings, send us your ideas

Goals, content and structure of training programmes in the area of energy efficiency and the use of renewables in buildings were discussed by ingREeS Project Partners during the second workshop on the units of learning outcomes on October 22 in Vienna.

We think about the future, we think of BIM

ingREeS Project will contribute to BIM Technology implementation into the Slovak construction sector, resounded at the 1st Slovak BIM Conference.

ingREeS Project and enviBUILD 2015 Conference: Together towards Energy Efficient Buildings

„It is not just about a thematic relatedness. enviBUILD Conference and ingREeS Project pursue common aims – energy-efficient buildings and education of professionals in that area , said Diana Krížová, ingREeS project manager and Slovak national coordinator.

National Center for Energy Savings Was Funded in the Czech Republic

The mission of the National Center for Energy Savings (Národní centrum energetických úspor – NCEU) is to provide comprehensive advisory services on energy savings and thus contribute to meeting the objectives of the Czech Republic in this area.

Increase your skills through trainings being prepared in the ingREeS Project

Trainings are being prepared by experts from Austria, Slovakia and Czech Republic in accordance with the current requirements for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in buildings. Educational programs will contribute to your professional development and enhance your professional qualifications. Just fill out the form and will get in contact with you.